Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hello Everyone!
We are finally catching up with all our friends with the addition of a new family member. Wyatt Taylor Garberg was born on November 25th, 2008. He weighed in at a healthy 9lbs and 21 1/4 inches long. Everyone says he looks just like his daddy - you be the judge.

Baba drove all the way from California to be there for the big event.

Here's the cheerleeders Great Grandma Taylor and Grandma Garberg. They were in it for the long hall from 8a.m. to 2a.m the next day.

Great Grandpa Taylor was quite the trooper!

Here he is!

Daddy's Boy

Coach Nana recovering from a very long day.

Great Grandma Nita

Grandpa Garberg

Lauren, Kristi, Baba, Wyatt and Jenna

Curious cousins

Aunt Dawnny


Christmas at the Taylors (Great Grandpa)

Grandma Garberg

Wyatt's first dip in Elkhorn Hot Springs with Nana & Baba

Trigger is struggling with his new lot in life.

Great Grandma Nita stopped in for a visit.